Ravel Studios welcomes private piano and music students! Professional pianist & Steinway education partner, D. Jeanne Ross, offers affordable piano instruction tailored to students' needs: * for all ages - (pre-schooler options available... toy pianos in studio!) * for all levels - beginner to advanced * for multilingual students - lessons taught in English, French, or Spanish.
Students explore multiple aspects including: *technique *notation *rhythm *theory *interpretation *introduction to musical history *development of musical appreciation and *THE JOY OF MAKING MUSIC!
"Our daughter has been working with Ms. Jeanne for three years now and has grown tremendously during this time. Not only is she becoming fluent in reading music and playing the piano, but our ten-year-old is also developing a deep appreciation for music and learning the importance and benefits of sustained practice. Jeanne Ross is a gifted, nurturing teacher, who takes special care to build young musicians' skills and confidence. Whether she organizes a recital or gives a student a pep talk in the safety and privacy of her magical Upper West Side studio, she creates ample opportunities for students to study and perform music, as well as to learn about themselves as musicians. Ms. Jeanne's expertise, kindness, humor, and dedication to her craft and students combine to make a teacher our daughter will remember and cherish forever."